About Us

The Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP) is a first-of-its-kind nonprofit organization dedicated to educating and informing the public, patients, medical/research communities, the media, and policy makers about clinical research and the role each party plays in the process.


Patients, Family Members and Other Members of the Public

CISCRP offers patients, their family members, and the general public an Education Center  to help learn about clinical research and what it means to be a clinical research participant. Once you become educated on what clinical trials are, CISCRP strives to help you locate ongoing clinical trials through our free service to the public, called SearchClinicalTrials.org. CISCRP also helps those patients who are having difficulty locating clinical trials by conducting a custom search for them.

CISCRP strives to educate and help those interested in clinical research understand the process, and to honor them as medical heroes. CISCRP invites those who have participated in clinical research to join our Medical Hero Community and an opportunity to donate to our cause.

Learn more  about how CISCRP helps patients, family members and others in the public.



CISCRP helps professionals better understand the study volunteer with facts and figurespolls and surveys and other resources. The CISCRP store includes brochures, videosbooksposters and other materials that you may order and provide to your clients and patients to help them understand clinical research. CISCRP also has many opportunities for professionals to stay involved in clinical research. You may join our Circle of Supporters, support Medical Heroes or AWARE for All in your community. Professionals may also be interested in joining Speakers Bureau for opportunities to speak on our behalf.

Learn more  about how CISCRP collaborates with professionals promoting a greater awareness of clinical trials.

CISCRP is committed to engaging and building closer relationships with members of the public, clinical research volunteers, and clinical research professionals. Please contact us!