Professionals Gather to Discuss Public Perceptions of Clinical Trials

June 3, 2014

The second Public & Patient Perceptions and Insights Roundtable on May 21st brought together more than thirty clinical research professionals in Princeton, NJ to review the results and implications of CISCRP’s recent global study. Discussions at the interactive forum focused on the improvement of public and patient perceptions and attitudes about clinical research.

Perceptions & Insights 2“We shouldn’t rest on these laurels,” said CISCRP Founder and Board Chair Ken Getz. “With this growing public trust there’s a higher expectation that we need to meet in order to engage study volunteers.” inVentiv Health’s Jim Kremidas presented the application of CISCRP’s study results and proposed three ways to best influence positive patient experience in clinical research: “Ensure protocol feasibility, pick the right sites, and really understand the motivation of your patients.”

With these meetings, CISCRP and program sponsor inVentiv Health hope to increase understanding of public and patient perceptions within clinical research and apply this knowledge towards improving the study volunteer experience.

View CISCRP’s published reports and contact us for more information about the Perceptions and Insights series, or about hosting a seminar.