AWARE for All Houston, TX
Event Venue:
Windsor Village, Kingdom Builders' Center
Event Time:
9:00am - 12:00pm
Event Date:
Friday, May 9, 2014
Event Location:
Kingdom Builders Center, 6011 West Orem Drive, Houston, TX, United States, 29.625447, -95.47126600000001
Friday, May 9th from 9AM to 12PM at the Windsor Village Kingdom Builders’ Center over 250 people from the Houston area gathered to learn about clinical research and cancer, get free health screenings, and hear from local physician and patient speakers. View the article in CenterWatch Weekly here.
AWARE for All is an educational program that is free and open to the public for the purpose of providing education to help people make informed decisions about clinical research participation. This program focused on cancer research in collaboration with MD Anderson Cancer Center.
For more information about these events call toll free 877-MED-HERO (877-633-4376) or email
Photo Gallery
- Health exhibitors share information
- Glucose testing for diabetes screening
- Exhibitors discuss early detection of prostate cancer
- Women share information on breast cancer
- Blood pressure testing
- Health exhibitors share information
- Vision testing
- National sponsor EMD Serono receives thank you
- Planning team leader Cassandra Harris opens the presentations
- Spanish speaking presentation
- Dr. Yvette Williams-Brown explains “What Clinical Research Means to You”
- Researcher panel members
- Panel speaker Dr. Karen Basen-Engquist
- Researcher panel answers questions
- Patient speaker Martin Treistman shares his story
- Patient panel listen to Donna Griffith speak about her experience
- Attendees ask questions
- Planning team members: Erika Pomares, Jameisha Brown, Betty Stewart