In 2013 and again in 2015, the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation conducted a global study on public and patient perceptions of clinical research. The aim of this study was to resume and establish routine global assessment of perceptions, motivations, and experiences with clinical research participation.
The insights from the 2015 global study found in the 4 reports below help to monitor trends and identify opportunities to better inform and engage the public and patients as stakeholders and partners in the clinical research enterprise.
Each of the 4 downloadable reports below were produced based on an online international survey CISCRP conducted between January and March 2015. The survey instrument was based in part on questions posed in past surveys. CISCRP received input and support from pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and contract research organizations, and from investigative sites. The survey instrument was also reviewed by an ethical review committee. A total of 12,009 respondents completed the survey.
We provide copies of these reports free-of-charge to all of CISCRP’s audience, but ask that research professionals consider donating to our nonprofit organization in support of our ongoing efforts to research and understand study volunteer perceptions, experiences and behavior.
CISCRP is now presenting the findings of this important research at conferences, meetings and forums across the country. Find out more about CISCRP’s Perceptions & Insights Seminar Series here.

This report explores the public’s clinical research literacy. Topics covered in this report include: knowledge and understanding of clinical research, discussion of clinical research options with doctors, confidence in finding an appropriate study, as well as general willingness to participate. Results are broken out by geographic region, race & ethnicity, income & education level, age and severity of disease.

This report explores public perceptions of clinical research. Topics covered in this report include: level of trust in clinical research information sources, perceptions on the safety of clinical research, perceived risks and benefits of participation, and reasons for participation. Results are broken out by geographic region, race & ethnicity, income & education level, age and severity of disease.

This report explores the patient’s decision to participate in clinical research. Topics covered in this report include: actual and preferred sources of information on clinical research, the most important information known prior to deciding to participate, top factors and people likely to influence participation decision, top participation drivers and reasons not willing to participate. Results are broken out by geographic region, race & ethnicity, income & education level, age and severity of disease.

This report explores study volunteer experiences. Topics covered in this report include: rating of experience compared to expectations, comparison of experience to standard care, motivations to complete study, stress factors, overall likes & dislikes, and recommendation of participation to family/friends. Results are broken out by geographic region, race & ethnicity, income & education level, age and severity of disease.