New Treatments for Breathing Problems- African Americans & Clinical Trials

Runtime: 9 min
Diseases discussed: Allergies, Asthma & COPD
Follows: Mark Stoves, Iyesa Innesa, Jewel Greene
Astra Zeneca’s Study Recruitment Center and the Multicultural Competency groups collaborated with the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP) to make possible the development of new community education materials targeted at African Americans and Hispanics. The new brochures & DVDs are available to the public.
CISCRP gratefully acknowledges the help of the following expert panel in developing the content for the African American brochures and/or DVDs:
- Sharon Allison-Ottey, MD, was named Investigator of the Year by the American Geriatric Society for her pioneering work in AIDS in the Elderly. A nationally-recognized public speaker and author, her current research focus includes Health Literacy and Patient/Physician Communication.
- Bettina M. Beech, DrPH, MPH, is Associate Director of Health Disparities Research at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. She is a member of the African American Collaborative Obesity Research Network (AACORN), and is the lead editor of Race and Research in Focus: Perspectives on Minority Participation in Health Studies, published by the American Public Health Association.
- Naomi Bitow, MPH, is a Research Assistant at the Harvard School of Public Health where she worked on the development of a health disparities agenda with the MetroWest Community Health Care Foundation. She now serves as Project Coordinator for Breaking It Down: Our Health Our Way Initiative which aims to reduce health disparities in cancer clinical trials through peer education, social marketing, partnership, and advocacy.
- Marino Bruce, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Family & Community Medicine at Meharry Medical College in Nashville. A Board member of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, his research has been published in the Journal of Black Studies and Race and Society.
- Leon D. Caldwell, PhD, is a Visiting Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology in the department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Research at the University of Memphis. His research focuses on issues in African American mental health, and he has served as a consultant on national projects involving issues in health disparities elimination, cultural competence, and the academic achievement gap.
- Christopher L. Coleman, PhD, MS, MPH, APRN-BC, ACRN, is an Assistant Professor Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and associate faculty in the Centers for Health Disparities (formerly the Center for Urban Health Research). An African American, he is best known for his research focusing on health compromising sexual behaviors among older, HIV positive African American men.
- Robert Mayberry, MS, MPH, Ph.D., is Director of the Baylor Health Care System Health Equity Research Group. A nationally renowned scientist and scholar, his areas of expertise and scholarship include health care quality improvement, racial and ethnic variations in health status and healthcare outcomes, and epidemiologic principles and methods in health services research, program planning and program evaluation.
- Karen Rodman, MD, is an African-American neurologist and clinical research coordinator in Indianapolis. She works with the Indiana Minority Health Coalition and does education and outreach to minority patients and healthcare providers about clinical research. She serves on the Board of HealthNet Community Health Centers.
- Janet E. Taylor, MD, is a clinical instructor of psychiatry at Columbia University affiliated Harlem Hospital and chair of the National Black Women’s Health Imperative. She speaks frequently on the issues of work/life balance, parenting, and minority women and mental health.
- Athene Wilson-Glover is director of the National Black Leadership Initiative on Cancer at the Dana-Farb
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